Curie: Policy-based Secure Data Exchange


Data sharing among partners—users, companies, organizations—is crucial for the advancement of collaborative machine learning in many domains such as healthcare, finance, and security. Sharing through secure computation and other means allow these partners to perform privacy-preserving computations on their private data in controlled ways. However, in reality, there exist complex relationships among members (partners). Politics, regulations, interest, trust, data demands and needs prevent members from sharing their complete data. Thus, there is a need for a mechanism to meet these conflicting relationships on data sharing. This paper presents, an approach to exchange data among members who have complex relationships. A novel policy language, CPL, that allows members to define the specifications of data exchange requirements is introduced. With CPL, members can easily assert who and what to exchange through their local policies and negotiate a global sharing agreement. The agreement is implemented in a distributed privacy-preserving model that guarantees sharing among members will comply with the policy as negotiated. The use of Curie is validated through an example healthcare application built on recently introduced secure multi-party computation and differential privacy frameworks, and policy and performance trade-offs are explored.

ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY)
Abbas Acar
Abbas Acar
Senior Research Scientist

I completed my PhD in the Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CSL) lab under the supervision of Professor Selcuk Uluagac in 2020 at Florida International University (FIU), USA. Before that, I received my BSc from Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2015 with a minor in Mathematics. My research interests include alternative authentication methods (e.g., continuous authentication), IoT security and privacy, and privacy-preserving technologies (e.g., homomorphic encryption).