Method for continuous user authentication with wearables


Systems and methods for continuous and transparent verification, authentication, and identification of individuals are provided. A method can include detecting a signal from a sensor embedded in a wearable device, determining a set of features unique to the wearer of the wearable device, creating a user profile of that individual, detecting a signal from a sensor of an unknown individual, determining a set of features unique to the unknown individual, and comparing the features of the unknown individual to the previously created user profile.

US Patent App
Abbas Acar
Abbas Acar
Senior Research Scientist

I completed my PhD in the Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CSL) lab under the supervision of Professor Selcuk Uluagac in 2020 at Florida International University (FIU), USA. Before that, I received my BSc from Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2015 with a minor in Mathematics. My research interests include alternative authentication methods (e.g., continuous authentication), IoT security and privacy, and privacy-preserving technologies (e.g., homomorphic encryption).